[UK-CONTEST] 144AC Again

Ray Hills g3hrh at btinternet.com
Mon Nov 10 10:00:20 EST 2008

Ray CXM,

Changing the ruled doesn't make a station more audible.  I think that many 
who presently take part in 144AC do so not for the contesting as such but 
because it actually provides them with the opportunity to work someone !! 
They may put in an entry but not in any sense as competiton.  They would be 
likely to come on whatever the rules.  Again I would have no personal 
problem with adding postcodes as PL is (surprisingly) also quite rare and SO 
seems to be almost as sought after.  But I still don't think that, by 
itself, will pull in more activity.  There will never be a level playing 
field for VHF/UHF contests because the dominant factor is site and no amount 
of fine tuning of the rules will overcome that.  I speak with 54 years of 
VHF experience !!

Bob KYS,

No. I hadn't hoisted that on board.  Virtually all my QSOs from IO70 are at 
least 200km and many are 300kms plus so that will be a big bonus.  Throw in 
postcode multipliers as well and I will be on a roll.  IO70, PL and 200kms 
plus should be quite attractive to many!! I might even turn out to be the 
DEZ of the deep South West (in my dreams).


Ray G3HRH 

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