[UK-CONTEST] 20m vertical

Ian Maude ian at gb7mbc.net
Wed Nov 12 09:23:51 EST 2008

James Thresher wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> A beam correctly setup and at the right height will almost always outperform a vertical (1/4 or 5/8) regardless of ground conditions.
So the way forward is a vertical beam :)  Two of our team used a 
vertical Moxon from Jura this year on 20m using 100W portable.  The 
aerial almost had its feet in the water and was never more than about 10 
feet from it even at low tide.  The result was astonishing.  This was 
the end of September and in one afternon they worked 46 JA's, multiple 
VK's etc.  In fact the signals were so strong it almost collapsed the 
front end of the IC-7000 and they has to restart it!

You can see photo's of it on our blog at http://m0scg.blogspot.com

73 Ian


Ian J Maude, G0VGS
SysOp GB7MBC DX Cluster
K2 #4044 |K3 #455

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