[UK-CONTEST] CG-3000 vs MFJ-974HB on 160, 80, 40m band

G3ZQH g3zqh.dave at ntlworld.com
Fri Nov 14 15:14:23 EST 2008

I have a similar problem to you in trying to find a good multiband antenna
for 160/80/40.  I don't have any solution yet but have received some
interesting suggestions about 15m high 'T' verticals with switchable top
sections which promise good DX on all these bands when used with plenty of

I have used both ATUs you suggest.  The MFJ-974 has worked well for me and
does an excellent job when feeding a doublet/dipole with 450 ohm ladderline.
However, if you buy this unit I suggest you open it up and check- mine had
several problems like loose variable capacitor vanes and untightened switch
connections (which were easily fixed). The CG-3000 I have used exactly as
your Ant 1- it's been outside for nearly two years and has lasted well. It
has the big advantage of being an autotuner- very good when doing quick QSYs
or band changes in contests. When I used the CG-3000 next to the rig it
appeared to generate a small amount RF interference on 20/15/10- but I never
tracked down the reason for this but it was the reason I moved it outside
the shack eventually.

In my limited experience I have found that my inverted L configuration much
outperforms my horizontal doublet on 80m (2x14m), but is only marginally
better on 40m.  Both antennas are poor on 160m.

Good luck- I suspect you will experiment with several options before you
find what's right and that's all part of the fun...

73 Dave G3ZQH

CG-3000; http://www.arraysolutions.com/Products/cg_3000.htm

MFJ-974HB; http://www.mfjenterprises.com/Product.php?productid=MFJ-974HB 


I need to solve my problem on low bands; 160, 80 and 40m with one antenna. 

These are my possible solutions (which is better according to you antenna/
tuner knowledgeable people).

The antenna will be used primary for contest.

1. Inverted L (15m + 25m) with radials, feeding with coaxial cable and
CG-3000 in feedpoint 

2. Dipole (2 x 20m), via 450 ohm open line and MFJ-974HB, on 160m the
antenna will be used like T vertical and ground (@20m) 

3. Dipole (2 x 40m), via 450 ohm open line and MFJ-974HB (@20m) 

4. Inverted L (15m + 25m) with radials, via 450 ohm open line and MFJ-974HB 

*What's the behave of solution 2. and 3. against halfwave dipole feed via
50ohm coax on 40 respective 80m with same height, @20m? 

Thank You for all answers/ suggestions. 


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