[UK-CONTEST] 160m contest - G3LDI

Roger Cooke g3ldi at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Nov 17 15:04:17 EST 2008

Hi Y'all.

  I was hoping to get my gamma matched tower ready for this contest, but
time did not allow. However, as it turned out propagation was not that 
good to the USA anyway.

  The first hour was unbelievable, 107 in the first hour, with a huge pile-up
on my frequency of course! I was almost tempted to work split! 
   The second hour produced 79 and the third hour 37. The final hour a mere
19 and I even had time for a two meter chat, and a chat with John, G4RCG
on the key. 
   I managed only one W, K4PI so not so good for that part of the world.

However, it was a very good total for me, 242 with a few dupes. I got fed
up with telling some of the EU stations that we had already worked. It 
seems that some of them did not keep a check log!

  I enjoyed it, but had to have a fairly narrow filter in together with 
the Timewave DSP for some of the weaker stations as my noise lever is a 
constant S-7. That's good, because if it is raining, it's S-9. I live
near some EHV power lines unfortunately.

   Hey, I even remembered to send the log in on time, something I did not
do last November.GRRRRRR  ( a G3 thing...)

Regards from Roger, G3LDI
Swardeston, Norfolk.


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