[UK-CONTEST] UK-Contest Digest, Vol 71, Issue 36

David Ferrington, M0XDF M0XDF at Alphadene.co.uk
Mon Nov 24 12:55:42 EST 2008

Although I said I'd dropped the thread, I'll reply to this...

On 24 Nov 2008, at 17:00, uk-contest-request at contesting.com wrote:

> David,
> Be assured that I was not poking a finger at your common sense or
> creativity, only the nonsense of the whole state of the CRB system.
OK, sorry then, late night reading and I misunderstood that.
> Additionally, I was suggesting how mad it is to suggest that as an
> accompanied visitor to a scout group, one would be expected to have  
> a CRB.
> This is not the case - and same with Girl Guiding. I checked with my  
> wife
> (District Commissioner) that accompanied visitors are just that..
> accompanied. This means that there's no excuse not to be able to be
> accompanied to a scout (or guide) meeting to demonstrate amateur  
> radio (BTW,
> I'm a CSL).
Ok, then that also my misunderstanding and good to know.
Does it also work if the scout or guide is accompanied to your home?
> Like you, this thread can be viewed as utterly pointless in terms of  
> its
> value to contesting. However, the easier it is to find methods for us
> "oldies" to grab the attention of the youngsters (actually, anyone  
> new in
> this hobby) the better a world we have created for ourselves. If it  
> means
> that a couple of us apply to the RSGB and subsequently run a few new
> Foundation students through the system, it will have been worth it.  
> It's
> extremely easy too. I'm currently running 3 x under twelve year olds  
> through
> Foundation. If I can do it, anyone can!

Yep (well, not yep if you can anyone can - it's not that easy :-), but  
yes this is the way to go.
We've got a few through over the last year and a bit, some just on  
Saturday too :-)
I'm an instructor too :-)
> I'd like to point one small thing out; Regardless if you have been  
> CRBd or
> not, being left alone in a room with a child is not to be recommended
> regardless of what rubber stamps you may or may not have.
Yes, NSPCC states at least a 2:1 or 1:2 relationship I believe.

73 de M0XDF
God gives every bird his worm, but he does not throw it into the nest.
-Swedish proverb 

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