g3wvg at btinternet.com g3wvg at btinternet.com
Tue Nov 25 17:49:58 EST 2008

Hi All..

In case you haven't heard ..Nigel G3TXF and I will be off to Greenland
tomorrow for CQWW CW.  It'll be a fairly low-key affair but to maximise
operating time, and the fun, we will be entering the Multi-Two category
using the call OX5AA.   We are looking forward to our Arctic trip
enormously, but obviously the two variables that could put a damper on
things are the weather and the aurora. So, fingers crossed for A=0 and K=0!!

Do please look out for us in the contest and let's hope we make QSOs with
lots of UK-Contesters.

73 OX5AA ...  Ian G3WVG

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