g4fka at aol.com g4fka at aol.com
Thu Oct 30 16:39:43 EDT 2008

Having never even listened to a sprint until a couple of months ago I  
actually like the current format. I think not being able to establish then run  on a 
single frequency for 90 minutes ( eg CCs) is actually a great  leveller with 
everyone having to move around and get a fair crack at the band  space. Plus 
it is a bit more user friendly with the name exchange. Thus lots of  entrants 
with similar QSO numbers. More like a QSO party in fact.
I suspect the lack of activity is more to do with people doing enough other  
contesting at this time of the year. We in Brizzle tend to do most of our  
group efforts in the second half of the year - IOTA, SSB FD etc. Then  there are 
the CQWWs that keep our logs ticking over nicely from  the home stations.
So for me there isn't the same imperative as during the first  half of the 
year (for the CCs) to rush home from work and get a fix!  I'm not sure a rule 
change will have much of an impact. As I said to a small  group of the usual 
suspects after a recent SSB leg, we are all contested  out!
Geoff G4FKA

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