Adrian Rees rees.a at btconnect.com
Thu Sep 4 04:59:51 EDT 2008

This weekend's contest is shaping up to be a repeat of 2006, in terms of weather at least...! 
I'll be operating from my usual location, high up in the Welsh hills, surrounded by the usual sheep. cattle, horizontal wind and rain. I have spent some time re-designing the aerial system, which includes a new super efficient ATU and matching system. (The previous one sparked with anything more than 30 watts..not good in a rain sodden tent !)
With the water in mind, I'll be entering as Blaenau Dwr again ...... if any of the other GW guys can think of a better nom de plume, in Welsh of course, I'd be happy to hear it.
Thanks to Chris, SJJ, for the info regarding N1MM. All is now OK.
In the mean time, 73
Adrian MW1LCR/P  (this weekend).

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