Cooper, Stewart stewart.cooper at odl.co.uk
Mon Sep 8 10:32:59 EDT 2008

I can't understand why this (HF and VHF Contest Committees') website seems to be so problematic. I've been caught out twice now. I needed to see the 144MHz Trophy rules to understand the 6 hour section.These are not in the RSGB Year Book.  I had to make an assumption, and got it wrong. OK, so I leave it to the last minute to check the rules, but that's what the web is good at!
For the sake of £20 a year, this could be hosted with a 100% reliable service. www.70mhz.org just never goes down - 10+ years and I can't remember the last time it was down. Why is the HF web site hosted with a VHF related URL? Why do we have to have so many web sites linked outwith the RSGB web site. Couldn't they all be co-hosted and made to work within the same URL? The answer is 'yes', although I know I will get flack for even suggesting it. And the VHF web site needs a face-lift. And it's slow.
Sorry for the rant, but the 'Sports Radio' link on RSGB.org is not helping our hobby.
Whew, 73

-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Dave Sergeant
Sent: 06 September 2008 13:02
To: UK Contest Reflector
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] HFCC Site

As if to cue, whenever a big contest comes on the HFCC/VHFCC site goes down.... or in this case just the first blank frameset and then nothing.

Exchange is Report and Serial Number.

73 Dave G3YMC

On 6 Sep 2008 at 12:45, CHRIS COLCLOUGH wrote:

> Hello all,
>   I have been trying all morning to access the HFCC site without any
>   success, even going to the VHF site and trying to get in that way, 
> to find out the rulles for todays field day contest. I thought I would 
> go on 40M and give a few points away as a fixed station and just want 
> to know what I have to give as the exchange. Can't remember last years 
> and I was with the Double Xray Firm - who today are portable in the 
> Cotswolds and we wish them good luck in the contest. Any help please 
> with a reminder. Sorry so late in the day but just home from work and 
> I did not have the group email address there.
>   Cheers.
> Chris Colclough


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