[UK-CONTEST] Best Radio & 2m Trophy activity.

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Wed Sep 10 09:46:36 EDT 2008

Let's see if I've got this right.

Some VHF/UHF contesters used non-amateur-radio comms
modes for spotting and to complete VHF/UHF "QSOs", as
a substitute for exchanging the information by amateur-
band RF.  In other words, if those alternative comms
modes had not been used, no QSO would have taken place.

To prevent this abuse happening in future, the VHFCC
banned the use of such non-amateur-radio comms modes
in contests.

Now, other VHF/UHF contesters say this means they can
no longer use those alternative, non-amateur-radio,
comms modes to arrange skeds.

Why don't they just pick up the phone, or get on Skype?
In fact, why bother using RF at all - you can't always
depend on it, even with big antennas and lots of power.

This ban means that the "VHF/UHF experimenters" will
have fewer QSOs.  It seems that things are just not as
much fun any more, and the ban is clearly inequitable
- especially as all the other countries are still having

Paul EI5DI

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