[UK-CONTEST] Decline in 2m contest activity

Ian Burns ian at g0afh.com
Wed Sep 10 15:19:59 EDT 2008

Hi Don

don.field at gmail.com wrote:
> Interesting that this debate should emerge after the 2m Trophy event. As 
> that is an IARU-co-ordinated event, the ON4KST "ban" does not apply. A case 
> of sour grapes for not having read the rules beforehand?
No sour grapes here, although for some reason I couldn't get to the web 
site when I tried to look at the rules. It didn't matter in the end as 
the GPRS connection failed.

We had the antennae pointing up country for quite a lot of the contest. 
Worked 120 G's, 9 GM's, 6 GW's, 1 each of GD and GU.  A few of these 
were out for the backpackers contest on Sunday.


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