[UK-CONTEST] RSGB 80m Sprint

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Thu Sep 11 05:44:10 EDT 2008

The September RSGB SSB Sprint takes place today, 11th
September, from 1900 - 2030 UTC on 80m (3600-3650 and
3700-3775), with QRP (10w) and LP (100w) sections.

Rules at www.vhfcc.org/hfcc/rules/2008/rsprint.shtml.
Check out the "Example SSB QSOs" section at the end
of the rules.

SD supports the Sprints, and is free from www.ei5di.com

  Select the "RSGB 80m Sprint" template.

Work everyone.  Exchange Serial + Name - no RST. 

Enter these as a single field.  For example, 3FRED is
expanded to 003 FRED in their respective fields.

You must to move at least 2 kHz after a QSO where another
station called you - and at least 5 kHz if you want to 
call CQ rather than call another station directly.

Send your Cabrillo log, from SDCHECK, as an attached
file to cwsprint.logs at rsgbhfcc.org.

Paul EI5DI

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