[UK-CONTEST] Re Decline in VHF/UHF contest activity

Tim Hague m0afj at dsl.pipex.com
Thu Sep 11 18:55:46 EDT 2008

Danny Higgins wrote:
> The main reasons I can see for entering contests are to have fun and 
> work DX.  Only a few stations have a realistic chance of winning, so 
> why don't the others just have fun, make QSOs any ligitimate way they 
> can, then send in a check log?  With a modest station I would rather 
> spend time working DX stations which are usually not available outside 
> contests than calling DX stations for ages on the back of their beam, 
> knowing that they could hear me if only they knew I was there.
> Danny, G3XVR Danny I agree but I am sure that the current licencing 
> system does not encourage people to make any effort, its so easy to 
> put up a bl**dy slim jim and get a FM box to chat to the locals
We have terrible problems with M3/M6's using FM in the beacon bands 
because they are not taught or just don't care about weak signal work, 
if you ask them to move all you get is verbal abuse, its almost made me 
inoperative apart from
reading the RSGB news...


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