[UK-CONTEST] Wireless router/modem?

stewart rolfe gw0etf at btinternet.com
Tue Sep 30 04:44:23 EDT 2008


For 2 or 3 years now I have used a combination of a D-Link DSL G604T wireless router in the conservatory at the rear of the house and a Belkin F5D7051 usb wireless adaptor in the garden shack - the sort with the flying lead which can be positioned away from the pc; I've never been aware of any rfi issues which at the time I installed it I remember being a pleasant surprise. I use mainly cw but some ssb to a (non resonant) doublet and often run an amp too. Usual caveats eg ferrite rings on all leads etc..

It's about 25 feet as the rf flies from router to shack and I did install a high(er) gain antenna on the unit to improve reliability through the intervening vegetation and it's now fine; the antenna is like the original but bigger and just screws in - 5/8 rather than 1.4 wavelength? 

Still don't get coverage throughout the whole house; forget the manufacturer's specs when you live in an 1830s slate miner's cottage with 2 foot thick stone walls! The only problems occur when the xyl is watering the tomato plants in the conservatory - the router is now protected by a plastic aquarium cover!


Stewart Rolfe, GW0ETF

--- On Tue, 30/9/08, Deni <foxfive.vjc at gmail.com> wrote:

> From: Deni <foxfive.vjc at gmail.com>
> Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Wireless router/modem?
> To: UK-Contest at contesting.com
> Date: Tuesday, 30 September, 2008, 8:21 AM
> I will soon be buying a wireless router or router modem
> combination. 
> Does anyone know of any issues with 802.11g ? RFI wise?
> Any recommendations,  Netgear?
> I'm hoping to get full house coverage and into the
> garden area too, but 
> main concern is HF RF compatibility.
> -- 
> 73, Deni
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