[UK-CONTEST] Verticals

Jiri Culak jiriculak at aol.com
Wed Apr 1 01:46:21 PDT 2009

 Hi Mike

>From my experience, MFJ is OK but there are better products. You mentioned
beer cans so I pressume you can build stuff yourself.
If you can get 10m tall Alu tubing I can send you details of how to make it
20/40/80 vertical. 
With two earth rods and 16 radials (8 for 40 and 8 for 80) I managed to work
VK6, ZL etc.etcd. With 100W with ease.
Ready made antenna will cost you around 200£ but I would say you should be
able to buy material with about spending of 1/4 of that.

Vertical is 1/4WL on 20,40 and 80 with capacitive + top loading . It is
rubbish for NVIS contacts but exhibit good low angle.
Also good RX antenna on 160.

73 Jiri

-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Mike Farmer
Sent: 31 March 2009 14:12
To: UK-Contest
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Verticals

Thanks for all the replies so far I have to correct a typo in my original

the MFJ no is 2990   not 299

sorry for the confusion - but no prize for spotting the
!!!!!!deliberate!!!!!!!! error

73 all must get back to digesting the info recieved

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