Peter Bowyer peter at bowyer.org
Thu Apr 2 07:12:06 PDT 2009

2009/4/2 ALEX LISTER <alexcom22 at btopenworld.com>:
> Can anyone help with a site which gives Contest dates beyond April ?
> I use the SM3CER  site but nothing beyond this date.
> Trying to find an HF contest suitable for beginners to coincide with one of the RSGB V/UHF events.
> Tentavily looking at a HF SSB event on 16/17th May or August 144 low power date.
> Alternative would be July 25th/26th IOTA on HF and find a near european contest on 144 MHZ same date ?


SSB FD and 144MHz Trophy (which is IARU-aligned) are a good
combination (1st w/e September).

Peter G4MJS
Peter Bowyer
Email: peter at bowyer.org
Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com/peeebeee

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