Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Mon Apr 6 10:34:33 PDT 2009

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roger G3SXW" <g3sxw at btinternet.com>

> Sixty QSOs in 120 minutes is one every three minutes. Yuk! The
> best thing now would be to cut it to 1.5 hours.

This lack of activity was also an issue with the RSGB 80m
sprint contests last year.

One possible solution, already used in other countries
(Scandinavia, Australia, New Zealand, Bulgaria), is to let
you work the same stations again after 30 minutes.

This can work two ways.  The contest might be divided into
specific 30 minute segments; alternatively, for each individual
station logged, at least 30 minutes must have elapsed since
the previous QSO with that station.

If 30 minutes is too short, what about 60 minutes?

I know where you can get free software that already supports
all such options :-)

Paul EI5DI

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