Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Thu Apr 9 11:17:01 PDT 2009

The JIDX Contest takes place from 07:00 UTC Saturday 112th
April to 12:59 UTC on Sunday 12th April.  It is CW-only
on the six HF contest bands.  There are SOSB, SOAB, and
HP and LP (100w) categories. 

Rules at http://www.jidx.org/jidxrule-e.html

SD supports SO entries.  V14.25 runs on Windows, on
Linux/Wine, and on Apple Mac with Bootcamp or Parallels.
It is free from www.ei5di.com.

   UK Entrants: select SD's "JIDX, DX" template.

Work JA only.
Send 5NN 14 (CQ Zone)
Log  5NN + 2-digit district code (Prefecture)

Mults are JA district codes - maximum 50 per band.

Before the contest, edit your F2 (exchange message) to
#C 5NN 14#E.

Use SDCHECK to create your Cabrillo .LOG file, and send
it to cw at jidx.org.

Paul EI5DI

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