[UK-CONTEST] RSGB 50MHz contest

Steve Thompson g8gsq at eltac.co.uk
Sat Apr 11 10:46:15 PDT 2009

Hi Andy.

Three options, Minos, SDV and Taclog are all linked for download from
www.vhfcc.org links page. There are probably others out there too. If
all else fails, use pen and paper and the online log preparation

Have fun.

Steve G8GSQ


            For HF contests I have recently been using Win-Test and am well
satisfied but that does not have functionality for the RSGB 6m contest
tomorrow. Can anyone please recommend what logging prog I should use? The
exchange is serial/LOC/Postcode and 1 point per Km scoring plus DXCC and
Postcode mults.


Andy G3SVD

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