[UK-CONTEST] April 80m CC SSB Contest - Logs Received

MM0BQI MM0BQI at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Apr 21 11:08:50 PDT 2009

We have received 203 logs so far.  Please check you are 'on the list' at http://www.vhfcc.org/cgi-bin/hfposted.pl?Contest=80m%20CC%20SSB&year=2009   
The deadline for logs is midnight tomorrow, 22/4/09, any log received after that will be used as a checklog.
Please ensure that if the 'robot' advises there is an error in your submission you take the time to correct and resubmit, you could save yourself some points!
73 and thanks for supporting this great series of contests.
Jim,  MM0BQI
80m CC CW/SSB Adjudicator

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