[UK-CONTEST] Feedback from RSGB Contests Committee Annual Meeting

G3RIR g3rir at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 30 14:14:24 PDT 2009

Don and all,


I hope I have interpreted one of the rules changes incorrectly but if I am
correct I am dismayed at the committee decision regarding club membership.


Club Membership




The Committee decided that starting in 2010, rules about club membership
would be aligned across HF and VHF. This means that in order to enter 80m
CC, 80m Sprint, NFD, LP Field Day, SSB FD and Club Calls an entrant must
either be an RSGB member, or a member of the entering Affiliated Society (or
both). At present on HF, this rule only applies to AFS and in all other
events UK entrants must be RSGB members. There is no change to this rule for
VHF contests.


My interpretation of this new rule is that it now allows "guest" operators
for contests such as 80m CC and 80m Sprint and club calls and defeats the
object of getting less skilled club members involved. So instead of
arm-twisting of club members all you have to do to win CC80 is to trawl
around the country asking for "guest" operators. 


Surely to be a member of a club team for these contests you must be a member
of that club.



Neil, G3RIR



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