Rob - G4LMW g4lmw at btconnect.com
Sun Aug 2 04:01:30 PDT 2009

Don, you must have got the "full-house".

Worked everyone I heard (and couldn't find any more) for 50 QSOs (2 dupes). 
At least I didn't get any REALLY daft post codes and never heard mine again.

Actually, next year, 60 mins would do it!

73, Rob

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Don Beattie" <g3ozf at btinternet.com>
To: "Uk-Contest at Contesting.Com" <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 02, 2009 10:24 AM

>I found it rather slow here - everyone else seemed to be busy, but the rate 
>here was poor - only 59 in two hours.
> Some big signals, so presumably propagation was Ok for inter-G, but I just 
> could not get a run going. Spent quite a bit of time S&P, but even that 
> produced limited results.
> It will be interesting to see what the 90 minute format for 2010 does for 
> this contest.
> 73
> Don, G3BJ
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