Clive Whelan clive.whelan at btinternet.com
Mon Aug 3 02:27:50 PDT 2009

If this sounds like a whinge, let me start by saying that ROPOCO is the 
finest ( short) contest in the RSGB calendar, and it's a tragedy that 
it's dying on its feet.

To me, the proposed solutions aired here seem like death by a thousand 
cuts. Surely any contest which cannot support  a duration of a couple of 
hours, doesn't deserve to survive? Sure it's a challenging format, and 
places great demands on the CW copying ability of the operator. Actually 
that doesn't challenge me personally, but stiff fingers and the short 
term memory span of a goldfish tend to militate against logging 
accuracy. So what, nobody said it was going to be a stroll in the park, 
and all the better for that.

I had fully intended to be on for ROPOCO2, but a domestic exigency ( a 
sick dog) meant that my head didn't hit the pillow until after 02:00 
BST, so by the time I had risen, abluted, and consumed an appropriate 
amount of caffeine rich beverage, it was almost stumps in ROPOCO2. 
Succinctly, ROPOCO will never prosper while it is scheduled at such an 
unsocial hour on the seventh day. HFCC, move it to a more appropriate 
time slot or lose yet another event ( cf 7Mhz DX et al.)



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