[UK-CONTEST] PSK and RTTY in 80m CC's in N1MM

Nigel G3TXF nigel at G3TXF.com
Sun Aug 9 08:33:27 PDT 2009

Just too late for this year's final DATA 80m CC, the brainy
people that write the N1MM Contest Logger program have just
announced an enhancement in the latest version (9.8.0):

Enhancement: Cabrillo mode export string for PSK is "PK"
unless contest merges RTTY and PSK into a digital mode. When
this occurs the mode export string is "RY". (coded by N2AMG,

If I understand this correctly, N1MM users in DATA 80m CCs
in future will no longer have to tidy up manually their
Cabrillo log by putting changing the "RY" in the mode column
to "PK" where appropriate.

(Funny but I thought I changed mine to "PS", rather then

73 - Confused Data Novice : Nigel G3TXF

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