[UK-CONTEST] RDA (Russian District Award) Contest

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Fri Aug 14 08:32:49 PDT 2009

The RDA Contest takes place from 08:00 UTC on Saturday
15th to 07:59 UTC on Sunday 16th August.  There are CW,
SSB and Mixed sections, for both HP and LP, on the 6
contest bands from 10-160m. 

Rules at http://rdaward.org/rdac1.htm

SD supports SO entries.  V14.29 is free from www.ei5di.com.
  UK Entrants - select the "RDA, DX" template.

Work Russians only.  SD displays inappropriate callsigns
or prefixes in red.  If they're not red, they're OK to
work for points.

Russians:  Send RST + 4-character district code.
Others  :  Sent RST + Serial.

SD adds new district codes to the RDA district-code
reference file as they are logged. It also loads
RDA.LST at startup (get it from www.ei5di.com/sd/rda.zip).
This is a callsign database with some 17000 Russian
callsigns extracted from previous RDA logs.  SD then
auto-fills the 4-character district code on a callsign

Use SDCHECK to create your Cabrillo .LOG file.  Ensure that
the CATEGORY: record corresponds to one of the options
listed in the rules.

Email your log, as an attached file, to rx3rc at rdaward.org.

Paul EI5DI

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