[UK-CONTEST] FW: Farmers and Contests

Adrian Rees rees.a at btconnect.com
Mon Aug 17 11:58:47 PDT 2009

Err , Justin

Who said anything about allegations ?  

As to the rest of your email, you are on the RSGB CC and you read it ! Anyway, seems to me that the RSGB CC havn't done too much in the past in response to interested parties requests, (certainly from this group of very interested parties) so why bother emailing the RSGB CC ? At the end of the day you are on the RSGB CC and you suggest or imply that we as merely interested parties live in hope of anything getting read...let alone actioned.  

Simple as that.





Adrian Rees (MW1LCR) wrote:

> I hope the RSGB CC are reading this....



Have you a specific allegation to make? If so I suggest to contact the 

RSGB CC directly and in writing.

To anyone living in hope that the RSGB CC are reading anything, I 

suggest you contact us directly via secretary at rsgbcc.org That way you 

can know that we are reading it (technology hiccups permitting).


Justin, G4TSH


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