[UK-CONTEST] US - UK licences

Andrew ac6wi at comcast.net
Wed Aug 19 13:40:38 PDT 2009

Don Field wrote:
> 2009/8/18 Ken Eastty <ken.g3lvp at btinternet.com>
>> This just goes to show how little thought was put into the present
>> licensing scheme, I can see no reason why anyone should not be able to
>> take the exam for the 'full' licence without going through the
>> 'Foundation' &  'Novice'  nonsense.
>> 73...
>> Ken
>> G3LVP
> Though to get a US licence requires starting with Novice and General
> taking the Extra.
> Don G3XTT

The difference is that in the US, all three exams can be taken at the
same time during one examination session for a single fee of just $15
(~£9).  If you are technically adept, you can go from no licence to
Extra in less than two hours (it used to take longer when there was five
licence classes and a 20wpm Morse test for Extra).  The VE team can file
the results the same day with the ARRL VEC online and the FCC usually
issues a callsign within 24 hours.

I don't know about others, but to me that is how a licensing scheme
should work.

Vy 73,

Andrew AC6WI / GI0NWG
ARRL Volunteer Examiner

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