Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Sat Dec 5 01:20:59 PST 2009

Don Beattie wrote:
>Apologies for cross posting this to two reflectors, but I am seeking a 
>bit of advice.
>I pressed my K3 into use for the ARRL 160 contest overnight, and this 
>morning, got a report of a bad spurious +/- 18 kHz from the wanted 
>signal. I've checked, and it's there, about 30-40 dB down.
>Has anyone experienced this, and is there a known fix ? I suspect 
>imbalance somewhere in the first mixer/DSP.
>Does anyone have any advice (other than to write to Elecraft !) By the 
>way, as far as I can see, it is there on all bands.

A known problem with a known fix. A batch of PA boards went out with a 
chip capacitor that shouldn't have been there.

It's a 5 minute job to remove it:



73 from Ian GM3SEK

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