[UK-CONTEST] Morse dyslexia

Bernie McIntosh (GM4WZG) gm4wzg at kars.org.uk
Sat Dec 5 11:25:51 PST 2009

I reckon that if your call ends with the same letter that it begins 
with, it really throws people. If I'm repeating my call I am very, very 
particul;ar about spacing because of this but it doesn't seem to help 
much even leaving three times the official word space..  During IOTA I 
activated an island abroad using my own call with a prefix and /p.  I  
had a callsign of 10 characters with two numeric digits and two './' 
symbols.  . Believe it or not,  I found that I had fewer misreads than 

Incidently, the same problem seems to exist on SSB too. Anyone else 
notice the same thing ?




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