[UK-CONTEST] Death to the cluster!

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Fri Dec 11 01:18:37 PST 2009

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Wilson, G3VMW" <steve at g3vmw.demon.co.uk>

> The fact is that they have all been introduced to our
> contesting hobby and, to compete at the highest level,
> they are there as options to be used as personal 
> circumstances dictate.

The question is whether all new technologies (for want
of a better description) are appropriate in the context
of contesting. Your agument seems to be they are - simply
because they exist. If PacketCluster is appropriate, why
has the telephone system never been?

> It is another tool to help us improve our scores and
> the unassisted category is there for those who prefer
> the more traditional route.

I might consider it this way if there was a parallel
with an assisted category in sailboat racing that
allowed the use of engines - and there's not much 
chance of that.  It's folly to use other non-RF
communications systems in "amateur radio contests".

> There is a category in CQWW, which I'm sure you are
> aware of called Xtreme:

> A great idea in my view to allow contest technology
> to advance

Yes, it's an interesting experiment.  I believe it is
more likely to promote alternative, non-amateur-radio
communications technologies.  We'll just have to wait
and see what turns up.

> However, let's not decry advances in technology,

I'm all for advances in technology - I've even been
known to use some of them myself :-)  I'm against
replacement technologies, those that replace amateur-
band RF in contesting, or do away with the need to
look for other stations.

> Things evolve, we have to do likewise. The alternative
> is to spend our last days as grumpy old men.

And when all else fails, get personal?  In any case,
your're only half right, I'm not old :-)

Paul EI5DI

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