[UK-CONTEST] RSGB 80m CC Contests
Pete Lindsay
psl at plcg.org
Tue Feb 3 11:04:36 EST 2009
In answer to your technical queries.
I have added a checklog section.
You can send (and a number of people have) a corrected log and it will
replace the earlier log. If you do, then the "date submitted" time
will be changed on the log posted page to confirm this, you will also
receive an confirmation email.
Pete, G4CLA
2009/2/3 Peter Hobbs <peter at tilgate.co.uk>:
> Jim
> A couple of queries, arising from last night's SSB event really:
> 1. How do you enter a checklog (I didn't see an option for this so far)?
> Someone else brought this up I think.
> 2. Can you send in a correction by re-entering your log? If so, will it
> replace the earlier log (as in CQWW)?
> 3. Not that it applies to any entrant of RSGB contests (of course!), but
> publishing the claimed scores before the closing date does tempt an entrant
> to check whether his received numbers and callsigns are at least plausible,
> which could be interpreted as "assistance". Any comment?
> 73, Peter G3LET
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "MM0BQI" <MM0BQI at blueyonder.co.uk>
> To: "UK-Contest" <uk-contest at contesting.com>; <GMDX at yahoogroups.co.uk>;
> <CDXC at yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2009 12:51 AM
> Subject: [UK-CONTEST] RSGB 80m CC Contests
>> Great news!
>> The RSGB Contest Committee is pleased to announce that the new log entry
>> robot is now in operation and will be used for Monday's SSB contest. Many
>> of you will know that this system has been hugely successful on VHF and
>> thanks to a lot of hard work and effort it will slowly be rolled out for
>> HF contests.
>> Instead of emailing your log and waiting for a human response the new
>> robot will accept your log file, check it and let you know if there are
>> any areas you need to review. Currently, receiving emails and correcting
>> submission problems can account for eight hours per CC contest. Less time
>> spent correcting these errors means more accurate and quicker
>> adjudication.
>> The new system will guide you through the process, point out any errors
>> and ask you to resubmit your log if required.
>> To submit your log for Monday's contest go to
>> http://www.vhfcc.org/cgi-bin/hfenter.pl and follow the on screen
>> instructions. There is an excellent FAQ document at
>> http://www.vhfcc.org/hfcc/information/robot.shtml
>> We will no longer accept log entry emails to ccssb.logs at rsgbhfcc.org
>> Any problems please check out the FAQ in the first instance. Many clubs
>> have extensive experience of the VHF system so if you are having problems
>> please discuss it with your fellow club members who I am sure will be able
>> to help out. Failing that there is an email address for assistance once
>> you have submitted your log.
>> Good luck in the contest!
>> 73
>> Jim, MM0BQI
>> 80m CC CW/SSB Adjudicator
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