[UK-CONTEST] Microphone / Headset Question

Adrian Rees (MW1LCR) rees.a at btconnect.com
Tue Feb 3 13:12:00 EST 2009

Erm, this maybe slightly OT, if so, apologies for the bandwidth.

I use an FT736R for VHF/UHF contesting and I want to buy a headset to
use with it. My usual, cheapskate way is to use a 99p headset from ebay,
and wire it it up. This has worked well with my 756ProII and other
modern transceivers.

However, the 736 use's a dynamic mic and the headset's for 99p don't
work. So anyone got any suggestions as to what headset I could try. 

I am reluctant to use the lower piced Heil one's as I've seen them fall
to pieces, and the more robust ones are significantly more expensive,
and I can't justify the cost.

Reply off list if you think its O/T.


Adrian MW1LCR


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