[UK-CONTEST] Black Sea Cup International

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Fri Feb 6 14:39:27 EST 2009

The Black Sea Cup International takes place from 1200-2359 UTC
on Saturday 7th February.  There are CW, SSB and Mixed sections
on the 6 HF contest bands from 160m to 10m, and Single-Band
Mixed sections for single-ops.

Rules at http://bscc.ucoz.ru/index/0-21

SD V14.21 runs on Windows, on Linux/Wine, and on Apple Mac
with Bootcamp or Parallels.  It is free from www.ei5di.com.

  Select the "BSCC Black Sea Cup" template.

Work everyone.  Exchange 59(9) + ITU Zone (27 for UK entrants)

Black Sea Countries (those bordering the Black Sea, and
those with rivers that flow into the Black Sea) send
59(9) + BS followed by country prefix.  Don't worry about
it, SD pre-fills them all - and the ITU Zones.  BSCC
members send 599 + BS followed by Club number.

SD scores QSOs correctly, but does not track multipliers.

Use SDCHECK to prepare your Cabrillo log, and email it to
bscup at ur5eaw.com 

Paul EI5DI

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