[UK-CONTEST] RSGB CC Contests and RSGB Membership
Tom Wylie
t.wylie at ntlworld.com
Wed Feb 11 15:11:28 EST 2009
The RSGB is a Club like many others all be it a large Club. It has
rules and offers services to ITS MEMBERS.
Included in this is the organisation of Contests. Like Justin says,
you should carefully read the rules. I mean, would YOUR club offer
facilities and services to non members. I personally dont think its an
option to say - dont worry if your not a member - its OK to take part,
Oh and if the RSGB dont like it, then thats their loss and the RSGB
should bend their rules to accomodate non- members.....
The RSGB have painstakingly over the years negotiated additional
frequencies and licences for amateur radio enthusiasts over the
years....perhaps these additional frequencies etc should be for members
only! There are plenty of people out there who want everything but are
not happy to subscribe....
Justin Snow wrote:
> Roger et al,
> The requirement to be an RSGB and affiliated society member is nothing
> new. I suggest that it might be a good idea to read the rules of
> contests that one is intending to enter!
> Justin, G4TSH
> Roger Cooke wrote:
>> I feel that this is a bit of nit picking in mid-stream. We have been operating the RSGB CLUB contests for the last two years with no mention of having to be a "member" of anything EXCEPT the CLub that has to be affiliated. This I can understand and fully agree with, but to insist at this stage that everybody MUST be RSGB members individually as well seems little short of distorted values.
>> Our club is full of newbies, some of whom are in their 20's, pay Club membership and like to take part. This rule will antagonise them against the very organisation we are striving to get them to join. The discarding of the Morse exam and inception of an extremely simple M3 licence was to encourage them. This sort of action is doing the reverse of that, stating that they MUST be members to operate in contests.
>> I protest at this action and sincerely hope that the organisers will think again.
>> Regards from Roger, G3LDI
>> Swardeston, Norfolk.
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