Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Thu Feb 12 13:38:47 EST 2009

The PACC Contest takes place from 1200 UTC Saturday 14th
February to 1159 UTC Sunday 15th February.  There are
CW-only, SSB-only and mixed-mode sections, for both HP
and LP, on the 6 contest bands from 160 - 10m.

Rules: http://pacc.veron.nl/pacc2009-rules-eng.pdf

SD supports SO entries.  V14.22 runs on Windows, on
Linux/Wine, and on Apple Mac with Bootcamp or Parallels.
It is free from www.ei5di.com.

  UK Entrants - select the "PACC, DX" template
Work PA only:
Send       59(9) + Serial.
Receive    59(9) + 2-character province.

After the contest, use SDCHECK to create your Cabrillo
.LOG file, and email it to pacc at dutchpacc.com - with
your Callsign and Entry Category in the Subject field.

Paul EI5DI

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