[UK-CONTEST] 1.8MHz CW contest

Steve White g3zvw at talktalk.net
Sun Feb 15 17:19:04 EST 2009

I agree with others that the skip was long, especially in the first hour. 
Early G signals were decidedly weak and watery, but short skip improved 
during the event. The final hour was mind numbingly slow, but it was worth 
staing awake to the end because several of the late QSOs gave new mults. One 
or two Continentals wouldn't work me, because they were in PACC. Did anyone 
else find that?

There certainly didn't seem to be many UK stations taking part. Maybe they 
were all out wining and dining their other halves, negotiating a /P weekend 
over the lobster thermidor.

149 QSOs here, but a few dupes to come off that.

Steve, G3ZVW 

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