Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Fri Feb 20 05:07:20 EST 2009

gm4fam at tiscali.co.uk wrote:
>>The Nigerians have a whole team dedicated to finding out peoples'
>>membership numbers, and maliciously impersonating them in contest
>>entries. Something must be done!!
>>Peter G4MJS
>Yep, I worked 5N/LZ1QK yesterday and the first thing Nick asked for was
>my membership number.
>73 Cris
>What's on TV tonight? - http://www.tiscali.co.uk/tv

What's on TV? "Don't tell him your membership number, Pike!"

Getting back on topic, although I appreciate the benefits of RSGB 
membership (and hopefully, provide one), the rules about various "club" 
contests are not consistent and they do need to be sorted out.

The rules for this year will have to stand, but there is nothing to be 
gained from pushing new contesters into an uncomfortable situation with 
their fellow club members. A heavy-handed approach would be very bad 
marketing, both for RSGB and for contesting in general.

Experience proves again and again that if people didn't join RSGB as 
their own free choice, they won't remain members for long. And people 
who have once been put off RSGB are then liable to put lots of other 
people off joining... and that can last for a very long time.

Club contests should be one of the things that make people *want* to 
join, so next year's rules need to be led from the top as part of the 
Society's marketing policy.


73 from Ian GM3SEK

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