[UK-CONTEST] The Quest for QRO

Ian Maude ian at gb7mbc.net
Mon Feb 23 13:06:33 EST 2009

We all know people cheat.  Only they (for the most part) know who they 
are.  I personally do not see the point.  That does not make statements 
like this...

'Let's not put too fine a point on it, anyone who wants to run 1500w in 
this country is already doing so, so lets let the sleeping dogs lie.'

any less astonishing.  So given a 1.5kW licence, what power will they 
run then to 'push the envelope'?

73 Ian


Ian J Maude, G0VGS
SysOp GB7MBC & HB9DRV-9 DX Clusters
K2 #4044 |K3 #455

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