[UK-CONTEST] What is contest competiton for?

Peter Hobbs peter at tilgate.co.uk
Mon Feb 23 16:49:42 EST 2009


I feel you are largely preaching to the converted here:

80m CCs and Sprints - EVERYone here is power limited and we know that a low 
dipole outperforms almost anything else.  QRP section also in these events.
BERU - Restricted section with limited power and single element antennas 
(very popular)
21/28 - Restricted section with limited power and single element, restricted 
height antennas (also popular when either of the bands is actually open!). 
Also QRP sections.

It's difficult to see what more the HFCC could do to encourage participants 
with limited resources, but they always appreciate positive and specific 
suggestions.  I'm not sure we have the critical mass here to support 
trophies such as that sponsored by VK6VZ in the Stew Perry 160m challenge, 
for the leading score with antenna in space < 20m x 10m, but maybe I'm wrong 
. . . (someone would be bound to say that's far too generous!)

73, Peter G3LET

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tony roskilly" <g3zrj.morsekey at btinternet.com>
> I am concerned for the mass of those who by no fault of their own try hard
> but will never get anywhere unless some sort of
> regard is given to leveling the playing field. 

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