Dave Sergeant dave at davesergeant.com
Mon Jan 26 03:56:25 EST 2009

I see that in his February RadCom Sport Radio column Tim G4VXE mentions 
a clash between CQ160 SSB, ARRL DX CW and REF SSB on Feb 21-11. Not so, 
CQ160 has been moved to the following weekend Feb 27-Mar 1 because of 
this reason, as clearly stated in the rules. So relax, you have two 
weekends of fun (except of course I don't SSB...).

As for CQ160 CW perhaps I won't comment. Realistically this event is 
pretty hopeless from this QTH and QRP just makes it worse. Apologies 
for all trying to dig my miniscule signals out of the noise. I did 
manage a small modicum of 2 USA and 2 VE - and rather embarrassingly my 
only dupe was VY2ZM, I though I was working K1ZM the second time, must 
learn to listen before calling...

73 Dave G3YMC


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