[UK-CONTEST] vhf field day self spotting abuse

COLIN BROWN col at breathe.co.uk
Sun Jul 5 15:05:07 PDT 2009

I think you need to chill out 
you have not read one word of the rest of my posts!
see quotes 

>What a crazy cop-out!

"I will send my observations to a member of the vhfcc"

>So someone breaks into your house and steals your rig.  You're going to tell 
>the police:  'Yeah, I know who it was ... but I'm not going to tell you - 
>that's not my job'?  Yeah, sure!

"i think the policing of contest rules have to come from the top otherwise it may look like sour grapes or someone with an axe to grind."

"The self spotting was an unexpected observation whilst looking through vhf fd cluster spots this afternoon"

>It's everyone's job to help enforce the rules - that's what being a member 
>of society is all about. 

In that case why dont you carry out a analysis of vhf fd spots on dx summit and see if you come to the same conclusion I did? You will be doing your bit for the society!

 Of course, there ARE those who only feel motivated 
>when they themselves are the losers!

Can I make it clear I was NOT taking part in any radio contest,as an individual or as part of a group! So I have no agenda about winning or losing! 

If i can see cases of self spotting then so can everyone else thats my point! I dont need to name and shame its in black and white on dx summit a quick trawl through by vhffd registered callsigns will soon flag up the dodgy spots.They tend to only have cq test or other inane comments!

Can you tell me how I can enforce the rules of the VHFCC?

The problem is i do not have access to the ip adresses the spots came from so i cannot prove it 100%

I was commenting on an observation and iam convinced it was self spotting or shameless cheerleading at best! 

73 Colin GM0RLZ


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