[UK-CONTEST] vhf field day self spotting abuse

Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Mon Jul 6 04:15:13 PDT 2009

Peter Bowyer wrote:
>On 06/07/2009, Richard Newstead <g3cwi at btconnect.com> wrote:
>> The skills and knowledge of some of the VHF operators (even at big-gun
>> contest stations) are woeful.
>'Twas ever thus. I distinctly remember being hoiked out of the 2m tent
>on Robin-a-Tiptoe (IO92NP) one year in the early 1990s, told to bring
>my key and report immediately to the 23cm station (across the other
>side of the hilltop) where there was a weak DL station patiently
>waiting for CW capability to show up...
>Oh, and you should try going to IN79JX. Huge scope for mis-logging and
>'huh??' reactions.

At that very same place, I once saw Chris Bartram *running* towards the 
van, and for exactly the same reason!

(It somehow feels right to place that impressive event on record.)


73 from Ian GM3SEK

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