[UK-CONTEST] vhf field day

Graeme Caselton gcaselton at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 7 00:51:39 PDT 2009

As a 'sweeper' running QRP, the lack of a CQ facility didn't mean much here, stations probably wouldn'thear me any way. They were all beaming towards EU. 

As for CW, the only station I heard calling CQ was M0MDG/P, so as a sweeper we had a sedately 18wpm contest QSO.

For me the best was 2m on the Sunday morning, where a 30 minute stretch gave S&P contacts with GM, EI, F, ON and several DL's, all with the 5W. Where were the GW stations?

One mea culpa though, I didn't read the rules properly so didn't work any of the 6m Sp-E DX stations, as they weren't /P registered stations.....doh!


P.S. If anyone has a 23cms transverter for sale, I'll gladly be QRV 23cms /P for next year's VHF NFD    8v)

GM4FAM wrote: "Maybe some of those self-spotters could have spent more 
time using a keyer or even learning the code"

G3CWI wrote: "I tried working a German contest station on 2m CW. Waste of time - operator did not seem to even know what it was no mind being able to read it. I even called CQ on CW a few times - waste of time again."


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