[UK-CONTEST] Completly off topic but Help!

David Ferrington, M0XDF M0XDF at Alphadene.co.uk
Thu Jul 9 14:39:28 PDT 2009

I'm afraid I don't have one, but you are correct in the name.
Very common on benches in the industry many years ago - all of which  
doesn't help much.
A google search turned up a number of sites, appears Cinch are the  
lots of different configurations

and http://www.action-electronics.com/cinch.htm
which show the socket of exactly what you describe

and http://www.rpelectronics.com/Default.asp?Main=/English/ 
which looks like a UK supplier

lots more through goggle '6 pin jones'

Try rallies?

I believe M3SEK has suggested before that simplist solution is to  
replace the entire connector assembly with a 'flying' lead and then a  
suitable currently available connector.
73 de M0XDF

On 9 Jul 2009, at 22:28, Alex GM3ZBE wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been trying for some time to get a connector for my Yaesu G800SDX
> rotator.  I tried to order one but am told it is obsolete.  It is  
> what I
> would have called a "jones" connector at one time. A rectangular
> connector with 6 blades four are horizontal and two are vertical (if  
> you
> hold the connector such that the longest dimension is horizontal).
> H H V
> H H V
> Anyone got one in their junk box or know where I can get one?
> Apologies if this is seen as off topic.
> 73
> Alex
> -- 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Remember......... Its just a HOBBY!
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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