[UK-CONTEST] VHF-NFD Fixed Stations
paul_group at greenrover.demon.co.uk
Fri Jul 10 02:20:00 PDT 2009
Pete Lindsay wrote:
> The section is a "sweepers" section, so no you can't
> call CQ, the skill is in finding the stations to call, not in running 1kw
> and waiting for the portables to find you.
I presume that you are suggesting that the other way round is acceptable
- interesting?
> To say it's bonkers is a bit like
> saying that not being able to run in a sprint event is bonkers. Does that
> mean we don't want the high power big guns to come on during contest, of
> course we do, but they probably would do anyway. Do we want casual stations
> "giving points away" who are not interested in the new section to come on,
> again, yes we do!
This is the first VHF NFD that I have bothered to come on and "give
points away" in a long time, generally NFD weekend is a bit of a dead
loss from a VHF dx'ers point of view. as I've said before there is
little fun in calling for ages to get an occasional QRZ? or your off the
back of my beam! However activity is activity and the FS section looked
like it might be fun.(it was)
> This section was in some ways an experiment, to try something new, so we are
> very happy to receive feedback.
Even if it seems you are unwilling to listen to the suggestions Pete?
OK - here is the feedback again from this FS sweeper who operated
single band (thus knowing I wasn't going to win) I didn't call CQ, I did
spot for other peoples benefit to increase activity - who didn't read dx
cluster or KST to gain any advantage and ran low power in the spirit of
your aforementioned rules. This was also an experiment from here.
So based on what I heard on the bands 6/4/2/70 and worked on 70cm:
* Should fixed stns be allowed to work other fixed stns? - No a 100W
fixed stn should be able to work plenty well sited /P's if both ends of
the circuit try. That should be more than enough activity to give new
fixed stns something to work.
* Should fixed 2m - 4m - 6m stns be allowed to CQ - Not if they want to
enter, IMO this would spoil the flavour of the contest.
But 70cm and 23cm is a little different - maybe on those bands CQ'ing
would give the /p stns something to look for. I'll call it inexperience
on some stns part but calling in one direction for a few minutes isn't
long enough. This is UHF guys, your not running 120 Q's an hour on 20m,
long calls and keep beaming the same direction while qsb changes
particularly where you know there is likely to be activity. This is
going to *increase* your rate and points!
I could see the pattern so easily from here. A few calls beaming north a
few minutes beaming north east then back to East - nowhere near long
enough to set up two very directional antenna systems.
Particularly where one end of the link is (apparently) running at least
10db less power than the other :-)
I'm not suggesting fixed stns should be allowed to run but something
akin to a sprint would be beneficial.
* Should a fixed station be allowed to win NFD (shock horror) - of
course! someone has to win the FS section. If that's abhorrent to the /P
stns... do away with the category.
> allowing entrants in a sweepers section to call CQ - no of course not. If
> you want to call CQ, no problem, just go out /P and have see how much fun it
> can be!
Fun... nah sorry ... you guys commit to pointing inland a bit more often
and I'll come on and give you points, even if there is no FS category to
enter. Otherwise I'll stick to eme.
> Finally, did it make a difference to activity levels, well I can only give
> my personal point of view operating at EI9E/P, where UK activity definitely
> seemed to be up on previous years, something we all want don't we? Also we
> received a number of calls from people saying "ah, have been looking for
> you...", these are the guys who took the rules in the spirit they were meant
> and showed you can have fun without calling CQ.
Very good - I'm pleased we gave you the extra points.......
73 de Paul GW8IZR IO73TI
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