Chris G3SVL Chris at G3SVL.com
Mon Jul 13 13:01:30 PDT 2009

At 09:17 13/07/2009, Alex GM3ZBE wrote:
>Managed to get all twelve GB7HQ slots here - the most difficult was 
>160M SSB, they seemed very deaf.

Hi Alex
We did suffer hi QRN on Saturday afternoon, but a quick look at the 
log says we worked 5 GM's in the hour slots before and after the time 
we worked you.

>  ... they mostly just carried on cq'ing in my face.
Well if I don't hear you, or anyone else, come back to me then I'm 
going to hit F1 within 3 - 4 seconds for the next CQ!

That said, we could always do with greater selection of rx antennas.

73 Chris, G3SVL
160m SSB GB7HQ

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