[UK-CONTEST] Training...

Adrian Rees rees.a at btconnect.com
Tue Jul 14 14:55:15 PDT 2009

I have been asked by one of the local clubs to lend a "guiding hand" to a fledgling club contest team.It seems that there is a small group who want to have a real go at some contests. I'll gladly help, but I am nowhere near as experienced as some of the chaps on this newsgroup, so hence this request for comments, thoughts and ideas. 

My own intial thoughts are to present a "talk" to the club about contesting, the motivation behind why we contest, and some general ideas about contesting, for instance logging software, voice keyers and selecting a contest to enter, HF, VHF, CW or SSB or Data.I think you get the idea. 

It seems the contest team want to enter a contest and "have a go" which of course is great. But, what contest and so on. I like the Club series of contests, but they are really Inter G events, and Field Day operating, but these are acquired tastes, as it where and the comments are more along the lines of a bit of "DX would be nice". Mainly to keep the interest up I suppose.

I did mention the Contest University, but costs and time would be an issue for those interested.

I'd appreciate any comments either on or off list.


Adrian MW1LCR 

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