[UK-CONTEST] RSGBHFCC.org = domain expired?

Don Field don.field at gmail.com
Wed Jul 15 11:53:03 PDT 2009

Dave <http://rsgbhfcc.org/>

To clarify:

rsgbhfcc.org hasn't been "live" for over a year, that means anyone who has a
bookmark will be pointing at the vhfcc.org/hfcc domain. This one is still
live. Alternatively, google HFCC :-)


2009/7/15 Dave Sergeant <dave at davesergeant.com>

> On 15 Jul 2009 at 17:34, Don Field wrote:
> > Nigel et al
> >
> > We have allowed the rsgbhfcc domain to lapse as it was due to end
> > anyway, and have replaced it with a new, combined, domain of
> > www.rsgbcc.org (RSGB Contest Committee). There were a number of reasons
> > for this, not least that it coincided with Tim G4VXE's resignation from
> > things contest (his RadCom column and the fact that he managed the hfcc
> > domain). Thanks are due to Tim, of course, for his efforts over the
> > years.
> >
> > Most of the links have been sorted and repointed - please let Pete G4CLA
> > know of any odd ones you find in your travels (I don't think all the
> > ones on the RSGB site have been repointed yet).
> >
> > Don G3XTT
> Thanks Don for the explanation. I must admit I am not alone in being
> taken back by the speed in which this change has happened, even though
> you did mention it a few weeks ago. The change is not for instance
> mentioned on next Sunday's GB2RS news... Surely it would have been
> better to keep the domain for another year and have a simple redirect
> page there? I suspect there are now a lot of duff links around - I have
> just had to update four pages at http://www.g4bra.org.uk for instance.
> What is the state of http://www.vhfcc.org? I see all the links to that
> still work, and the HF pages are accessible as before there, eg
> http://www.vhfcc.org/hfcc/iota.shtml takes you to the IOTA page. As
> does the link there to the 80m CC log sumittal page, still given in the
> rules in the vhfcc.org form. Is the new site effectively just the same,
> hosted at vhfcc.org with the domain pointing to the appropriate place?
> And the entry page at http://www.rsgbcc.org is a pretty bare page apart
> from the links to the HF and VHF sections. But I guess that will get
> changed in due course.
> 73 Dave G3YMC
> http://www.davesergeant.com
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