Andy GD0TEP andy at gd0tep.com
Sun Jul 19 05:56:09 PDT 2009

Can't help but rely to this one...

>> to indicate that he is talking complete and utter nonsense.

As I tend to stay away from the HF contests, I can only comment as someone
who has watched people operating within a very successful HF group.

The 'appearance' is that all it is, is F1, F2 and F3 as required... looks
all very easy to me...  


I think that both Paul and myself know full well that appearances can be
I know that there's already been a lot of planning and preparation in to who
is operating on what band, and at what time, maximizing potential points for
bands/people available, not including the amount of kit put together for
said contest.

When it comes to VHF contesting... it would seem to me that there's not that
much difference, well, perhaps there's a few little oddities, but nothing
that's so different.  

Tammie, keep trying the VHF contests, get some experience under your belt
and, if you're still as keen as this next year, you'd be quite welcome to
give us a hand on some of next year's VHF contests.

73 Andy
A.K.A. MD6V and GD0EMG

-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Dave Lawley
Sent: 19 July 2009 11:04
To: UK Contest Reflector

> First off, well done on trying VHF contesting. Despite the moans and 
> groans expressed on this reflector they are good fun and certainly 
> require more skill than just endlessly pressing F1 F2 F3 on 20m  :-)


I think Paul has got his emoticons a bit mixed up. In the above he is using
:-) to indicate that he is talking complete and utter nonsense. 
Different parts of the spectrum need different skills but there is a core of
skill required regardless of whether it's VHF or HF, and the only way to
acquire those skills is practice. If Paul thinks all you have to do on HF is
to press F1 F2 F3 then that must be why he doesn't do very well below 30MHz.

By way of illustration, once a year on VHF FD, HF contesters G4BUO and G4TSH
operate the 6m station at G0FBB/P. This year we made 201 QSOs with best DX
OA4TT at a little over 10,000km. When the 6m session was over - which
coincides with pub closing time, very bad planning that - I wandered into
the 23cm tent. Our UHF contesters had decided there was nothing more to be
had that night and were in their sleeping bags. So I sat down and made
another four QSOs in the next 40 minutes, increasing their Saturday QSO
total by over 10%

Use whatever bands are available to you to develop your contest skills and
don't let Paul mislead you.

73, Dave G4BUO

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