[UK-CONTEST] EU-011 in IOTA Contest

Dave Lawley dave at g4buo.com
Sun Jul 19 13:27:21 PDT 2009

After a break in 2008, Cray Valley RS will be returning to the Isles of 
Scilly EU-011 to enter the IOTA Contest as M8C. We will be active 
outside the contest as G3RCV/P. QSL is via G4DFI

Operators will be G0VJG G4TSH 2E0RCV 2E0BUU G7GLW G4BUO, with G0FDZ 
giving technical support.

Chris G0FDZ usually takes 10GHz gear with him, but due to space 
constraints he can't do that so he has arranged to be active from IO69 
on the 5MHz band.

Dave G4BUO

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